The Sports Doctor Radio Show

Dr. Robert A. Weil - a.k.a. Dr. Bob
Dr. Robert A. Weil – The Sports Doctor™ is the host of The Sports Doctor Radio Show, on He was formerly on WDCB 90.9 FM in Chicago for more than 20 years. The Sports Doctor’s articles are also read in many newspaper columns and magazines. His articles & past shows are available on our website at: Please like Sports Doctor Radio on Facebook and follow @SportsDocRadio on Twitter.
“My specialty in sports medicine is orthotic therapy, combined with
David Lyons, Multiple Sclerosis and Disability Training Specialist, 2019 Inductee National Fitness HOF returns with Rick Bava, Baby Boomer Thought Leader, Author and Leader with ‘Todays Senior Magazine’.
2020-01-16 07:54:19