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The Relaxback UK Show

Mike Dilke
Mike Dilke


The Relaxback UK Show has been hosted by Mike Dilke since 2017. He also runs the Relaxback UK Company that provides ergonomic equipment to help people with back pain or help to ensure they avoid it in the first place. Mike has a wife and two children and loves to go on week end walks with them. The Relaxback UK show topics are varied but are often centered on ergonomics and human comfort. Mike is not a medical person but loves to engage with his expert guests and isn’t afraid to ask the obvious or dumb qu

The Relaxback UK show is weekly and has the objective to inform and entertain listeners on a variety of health related topics but often majoring on musculoskeletal health. Mike does not have a medical background but has become knowledgeable and is not afraid of asking searching questions of his guests. He seeks out experts to inform and entertain the listeners.
Listen in and you will find out something useful that you did not know. If you don’t you will hopefully be made to smile or even laugh at some light hearted moments or even one of the host’s rants!
If you have a health topic that you would like to be covered please do contact Mike via email at mike@relaxbackuk.com


The Relaxback UK Show


Dr Nancy Allen talks about obesity - the extent of the problem, the causes, what it does to us and what to do about it.

The Relaxback UK Show


Is continuous glucose monitoring accurate and how to avoid norovirus!

The Relaxback UK Show


Hear From A Medal Winning Olympian Who Has MS!

The Relaxback UK Show


Olympian swimmer Duncan Goodhew talks about his route to success and The Swimathon to support Cancer Research UK and Marie Curie.

The Relaxback UK Show


From a Pharmacist - All you need to know about the skinny jab!

The Relaxback UK Show


Food Labelling - What You Need To Know!