Andra Stanoiu is a chartered Member of the British Psychological Society, an accredited psychologist of The Romanian College of Psychologists and of the Romanian Association of Clinical Hypnosis, Relaxation and Ericksonian Therapy and a qualified life coach accredited by Animas Center for Coaching. She is currently a learning & development specialist, style & life coach and educational speaker.
She is passionate about educating and empowering people. This passion led her towards a career in psychology, learning & development, coaching and special needs teaching. Andra has been a guest on several podcasts and radio shows talking about mental health in the workplace and creative industries, emotional intelligence in corporations and parenting strategies.
“What drives me is not just the appetite for knowledge; it is the love for people, my curiosity and determination to find not just general answers but the answers that will make a significant change in the life of those who seek my counsel.
After a decade of working with people from different backgrounds with challenging stories and different ways of facing life, I stopped searching for answers. Now, together with my clients, I discover their story, their current needs and what they want to achieve.”
Andra’s show will take you on a 360° journey around different health related topics from mental and public health to social wellbeing. She will be joined by guests from various backgrounds, analysing the topic from every angle, medical, psychological, spiritual, or any other relevant perspective.
Email: mindrulecoaching@gmail.com
2020-06-11 12:34:08