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Activate Yourself

Geeta Sidhu-Robb
Geeta Sidhu-Robb


Geeta Sidhu-Robb spends her life talking about health and wellness as CEO of Nosh Detox.
Although a corporate lawyer, she started working with health as a way to help heal her son from asthma, eczema and the constant threat of anaphylaxis from multiple food allergies. What she hadn’t realised was that all that healing knowledge would actually make her better too! So she set up multi-award winning Nosh Detox and offered that knowledge to others. Having spent years working out natural ways to stay healthy,

Welcome to ‘Activate Yourself’. The show where our guests are people like you and I who have found their superpower. Because of events in their life, they’ve ‘turned left’ and done unusual, inspiring, incredible things, like overcome depression to become a happiness expert, marry a prince, or like your host – where her son’s illness led her to set up a health and wellness business….Nosh Detox……….

Here’s your host – Geeta Sidhu-Robb


Activate Yourself


Chris Terzakos, a seasoned leader in construction and champion baseball coach, now inspires on leadership, self-healing, healthy aging, and wellness. Author and entrepreneur.

Activate Yourself


Dr. Cleopatra Kamperveen, founder of The Fertility and Pregnancy Institute, pioneered the Primemester Protocol, aiding thousands globally in healthy reproduction.

Activate Yourself


Manpreet Johal-Bernie is the creator of Heart's Happiness to heal inter-generational trauma and transform your life with holistic coaching and mentorship.

Activate Yourself


Pauline Leung is passionate about helping working professionals to lead a life filled with more purpose, happiness, wellbeing and success.

Activate Yourself


Jamie Lerner, an Integrative Well-Being Therapist and co-author of ‘The Ever-Loving Essence of You,’ reframes difficulties into clarity, empowering all ages to find their best solutions.

Activate Yourself


Alison Cork, MBE recipient in 2023, honoured for 35 plus years as a champion of female entrepreneurship and author of National Women’s Enterprise Week.