My Life as an Animal – Book Serialisation
UK Health Radio is running its first ever Book serialisation! Written by Andrew Tyler and voiced by Jim Smith, ‘My life as an animal’ records Andrew Tyler’s extraordinary life as a singer-songwriter, journalist, pioneer vegan and animal rights campaigner. Each of the 10 episodes is produced by Monkeynut Audiobooks and dedicated to Animal Aid, one of the world’s leading animal rights campaigners, of which Andrew Tyler was once Director. The series starts on April 28 and runs for 10 weeks. Each episode will be available in UK Health Radio’s programme archive as well as a weekly podcast worldwide on Audioboom! The book itself is now available on Kindle and as an Audiobook on Audible. It is beautifully written and sensitively voiced. We think it will make you think!
Animal Aid campaigns peacefully against all forms of animal abuse and promotes cruelty-free living.
Please find out more by visiting the website:
It’s time for a kinder world!
My Life as an Animal - Book Serialisation
Hear Andrew Tyler’s final words, from an child in a Jewish Orphanage to an Animal Rights Campaigner… Andrew made a difference then… And Animal Aid continues to make a difference now!
My Life as an Animal - Book Serialisation
Penultimate episode - in two parts! In part one, Over 20 years of individual animal rescue with Sara… mainly abandoned dogs… Part two, Sara movingly describes her last journey with Andrew to Dignitas in Switzerland…
My Life as an Animal - Book Serialisation
This starts with saving trees and ends exclusively at Animal Aid. Pieces on rough sleepers and the Cuban Missile Crisis! 10 years of Parkinson’s degeneration makes the final Q and A a pragmatic alternative to prose!
My Life as an Animal - Book Serialisation
… a revealing piece on dealers selling deadly weapons to under-age customers… Andrew and Sara get married! … a job at the Observer - until a new editor appears in a knee-length fur coat!
My Life as an Animal - Book Serialisation
From small pieces on big topics to the definitive guide to Street Drugs, from near- death drama over a disputed diagnosis of acute appendicitis to the brutal murder of PC Blakelock in the Broadwater riot…
My Life as an Animal - Book Serialisation
Andrew Tyler remembers facing 30, the antisemitism of Oswald Mosley’s Black Shirts, the colonialism around Rhodesia’s Independence, Harold Macmillan’s ‘Winds of Chenge’ and Jeff Wayne creating ‘War of the Worlds’
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2021-01-14 18:39:39