Winning For Life Show

Winning For Life Show brings you wisdom and inspiration for an extraordinary future. When we all do better, the world is a better place!
What kind of questions do we need to ask ourselves to shape our future? Wolfgang’s deep dive thinking and questioning is disruptive and cuts through the surface to the root of our being. “Get real and work for the ideal” is not just a slogan at Winspiration, it’s one of the essential steps to reach true freedom and an extraordinary life.
A WIN WIN Society is possible, when we – individuals and companies – recognise our purpose, our special essence, and the uniqueness of self and others while possessing the willingness and the competence to discover new creative solutions and constructive paths for the future. This will lead to emotional fulfilment and material wealth.
Winning For Life Show

The best isn't always the best for YOU. Don't get stuck! Wolfgang Sonnenburg explains why.
Winning For Life Show

The Graveyard That Will Change Your Life, explained by Wolfgang Sonnenburg.
Winning For Life Show

The Gift of Finding The Good in Every Situation, explained by guest presenter Steve Harvey.
Winning For Life Show

From Small-Town Dreams to Global Success - Paula Boyce’s chats to Wolfgang Sonnenburg about her inspiring journey.
Winning For Life Show

2025's ABCs of Goal-setting for living beyond limits, explained by Wolfgang Sonnenburg.
Winning For Life Show

From Santa Claus to Spirituality - Embracing Honesty in Life, in Wolfgang Sonnenburg's perspective.
J Rhadamés
2021-02-15 12:48:32
2017-08-28 10:51:53
2016-01-13 07:28:12
2015-12-09 07:40:14
2015-07-22 10:13:13