The Sports Doctor Radio Show

The Sports Doctor Radio Show’s large audience is comprised of people in all fields of sports medicine. They range from Physical therapists to PhD’s! The show features, “all things sports medicine, fitness & wellness,” and is live weekly. Dr. Bob’s guests are a who’s who of experts that include local, National and International figures from all involved areas and topics.
The Sports Doctor Radio Show

Dominick Fedele, CEO of Mastermind Cognitive Training enhancing brain optimisation joins me along with returning Joel Franco, Creator and Producer of our upcoming documentary ‘Where our Children Play’.
The Sports Doctor Radio Show

Chris LaLanne, fitness coach and Jack LaLanne’s great-nephew, joins me with Joe Chura, entrepreneur and founder of Go Brewing (non-alcoholic beer) and Easy Man (cannabis-infused brew).
The Sports Doctor Radio Show

Dr. Ben Pearl, Arlington Podiatric Physician and Host of Podcast and YouTube Fit Foot U returns along with Mary Leonard, Owner and President NYC’s US Athletic Training Center and former dancer.
The Sports Doctor Radio Show

Rebecca Renck, Author, Lifestyle Coach and Autoimmune Expert joins me along with Vic ‘Sonny’ Stancarone, Pro Piano Player, Educator for music, yoga and wellness.
The Sports Doctor Radio Show

Keke Lyles, Physical Therapist, Sports and Human Performance and Tech Consultant for Betterguard joins me along with Carlamay Sheremata, Former Policewoman, Author, Speaker and Youth Truth Advocate.
The Sports Doctor Radio Show

Dr. Bob features his book 'Hey Sports Parents' and covers some important points for sports parents and their kids and then Vita Oyler, Rehabilitation Counsellor and author specialising in Chronic Pain, joins us.