New Life Perspectives
New Life Perspectives is hosted by Liz Larson and Bill McKenna, the team behind the Cognomovement System. Each week Bill and Liz will be sharing ideas and inspiring conversations about how to change mind/body/and spirit through rewriting the patterns in your body. The team will also besharing a technique every week that listeners can use right away to Change their reality.
New Life Perspectives
The power of your dominant eye - We all have a dominant eye, but do you know what it says about your brain! Find out this week as Bill and Liz share their inside secrets about your eye-brain connection.
New Life Perspectives
‘I would never have believed that I would be here!’ Rita Stewart from Australia, shares her story of shifting her timeline into a life she loves!
New Life Perspectives
Thinking about making a New Year’s Resolution! Think Again! Do this instead!
New Life Perspectives
Recovering from Post War Germany. Angelika Schafer shares her story of growing up in a family affected by war and how she changed her family for the better.
New Life Perspectives
Can Seniors get back their mobility, strength, balance, joy and more in just 1 hour per week! Sandra Nathan proved that they can!
New Life Perspectives
From Stress to Authentic Success Show Host Danielle Sax, shares her epic journey from illness to thriving!