Homeopathy Health

Homeopath Atiq Ahmad Bhatti provides an insightful look at the many benefits of Homeopathy in everyday health scenarios, empowering you with knowledge of this system of healing as well as covering other natural forms of treatment that work alongside Homeopathy. With tips, advice and his own unique personal insight from over 20 years of professional practice, coupled with his deadpan humour, Atiq takes you on an interesting and realistic journey to health and wellbeing.
Homeopathy Health

Fighting Fire with Fire, Part 2 - Life-Changing Detox Therapy. In today’s episode, Ton Jansen and Roger Savage share inspiring success stories where homeopathic detox therapy made a massive difference!
Homeopathy Health

Join Atiq, Ton Jensen, and Roger Savage as they dive into the foundations of the Human Chemistry Method - an innovative approach using homeopathy to remove toxic imprints and restore true health.
Homeopathy Health

Join Atiq Ahmad Bhatti, 4th Gen Homeopath and Global Ambassador, as he interviews Bethany Huss, a licensed Homeopath and Trauma Nurse with 22 plus years’ experience in trauma and post-op care.
Homeopathy Health

In this episode, Renata Gabor, a homeopath, astrology enthusiast and massage therapist, shares how the alignment of planets can influence our well-being - and how homeopathy helps us adapt to these changes.
Homeopathy Health

In Part 2 of our 3-Part Special, Peter Tumminello shares how gemstone frequencies interact with the body and why crystals may hold the key to deeper healing.
Homeopathy Health

Homeopathy, Spirituality and Mental Health - Part 3 of My Exclusive with Robert Field!