The ‘D’ Word

The ‘D’ Word is the UK’s only dementia based radio show. Talking to experts and people living with dementia presenter Pete Hill aims to raise the profile of the condition that affects 50 million across the globe.
The ‘D’ Word

Social Care is the subject on this weeks ‘D’ Word as Pete chats to Kat Hall Director of The Bay Care Group.
The ‘D’ Word

Certified Master Dementia Strategist Debra Kostiw shares her experience and expertise on this weeks ‘D’ Word.
The ‘D’ Word

We are what we eat. Diet for Brain Health is the focus on this weeks ‘D’ Word as Pete meets Nutritional Therapist Kate Taylor.
The ‘D’ Word

Dementia Educator Katya De Luisa returns to The ‘D’ Word this week to talk about her work in Costa Rica.
The ‘D’ Word

Berrie Holtzhausen founder and CEO of Alzheimer Dementia Namibia talks to Pete about his work and his Dementia Diagnosis.
The ‘D’ Word

Pete’s talking Lego this week with his guest Kitty Short who’s Brick Based Brains programme provides activities for people living with Dementia.
Johann Ilgenfritz
2024-04-19 15:59:12