Inspire Health

Welcome to Inspire Health!
This is where inspirational leaders, visionaries and game changers in the fields of health and wellness, mind/body medicine, spirituality and more come together to share their wisdom with those who seek this knowledge.
If you have ever felt stuck, at a loss for answers or in need of solutions, this is the place to find them!
Inspire Health

Have you ever wondered why trauma can be so sticky and hard to release! Join as renowned expert and author of The Poly Vagal Theory, Dr. Stephen Porges, helps us to better understand this complex topic.
Inspire Health

Are We Being Engineered! Hidden Dangers of Nanotech and Smart Devices with Dr. Ana Mihalcea, where we dive into the intersection of technology, human biology, and the dangers lurking in our modern world.
Inspire Health

Education Without Limits - Today’s episode explores unschooling with Pat Farenga, a leading voice in alternative education and close collaborator of John Holt, whose work reshaped how we view childhood learning.
Inspire Health

The Battle for Our Divinity - Renowned scientist and author Gregg Braden explores humanity’s urgent choice, embrace our untapped potential or surrender our humanness as technology merges with biology.
Inspire Health

Dr. Tom Cowan returns to share insights from his new book on a common-sense approach to parenting. Packed with unconventional wisdom, this interview offers a fresh perspective on supporting kids today.
Inspire Health

Candid Conversations Part 2 - Parenting, Learning and Life Changes with Dear Danny. Join us for an honest talk on parenting, self-truth, education, and facing fear with awareness and resilience in changing times.