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The Hirschsprung’s Hour

Tom Richard
Tom Richard


The Hirschsprung’s Hour is the leading Hirschsprung’s show in the world. The condition effects 1 in 5000 babies in the UK and is present when the ganglion cells (nerves) fail to form in parts of the intestine. Tom Richard will bring you some of the most inspirational advocates with this condition, who are thriving in the world of sport, TV and modelling from around the world.

Hirschsprung’s disease affects 1 in 5000 babies in the UK, and affects the large bowel, where the ganglion cells do not form properly. The aim of these episodes is to showcase the incredible people, diagnosed with this condition, that have not let in stand in their way.

The Hirschsprung’s show aims to bring you some of the leading lights in Hirschsprung’s awareness – including models, actors and professional sportspeople, they will tell there amazing stories and highlight some of the outstanding achievements along the way.


The Hirschsprung’s Hour


Hannah Davis shares her son's Hirschsprung's Disease diagnosis and her family's fight for answers. We also discuss how Jasper now thrives in football and running despite early challenges.

The Hirschsprung’s Hour


Tom's Hirschsprung's Podcast Co-Founder Louisa Shapton and I chat with Megha, who gave birth 6 weeks ago, about her daughter's Total Colonic Hirschsprung's journey and how she’s adapting to their new routine.

The Hirschsprung’s Hour


Gemma Keir, founder of The Abilities In Me Foundation, shares her journey, the inspiration behind her book series, its global impact, and how actor Denise Welch became her patron!

The Hirschsprung’s Hour


The author of 'Oscar The Unstoppable', Simone Rist, joins me to talk about her son's Hirschsprung's story as well as her brilliant book, all about perseverance through Hirschsprung's disease.

The Hirschsprung’s Hour


Courtney Ternyila shares the power of advocacy and positivity in tough times. She reflects on her son Theo’s first year with Hirschsprung’s and a life-changing decision she and her husband made.

The Hirschsprung’s Hour


Lexi Liljenquist joins me to share Krew's HD journey. She recalls the shock of his diagnosis and her experiences as a mom. An uplifting episode featuring her thoughts and a special influencer!