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The Sports Doctor Radio Show

Dr. Robert A. Weil - a.k.a. Dr. Bob
Dr. Robert A. Weil - a.k.a. Dr. Bob


Dr. Robert A. Weil – The Sports Doctor™ is the host of The Sports Doctor Radio Show, on http://www.healthylife.net/ He was formerly on WDCB 90.9 FM in Chicago for more than 20 years. The Sports Doctor’s articles are also read in many newspaper columns and magazines. His articles & past shows are available on our website at: http://sportsdoctorradio.com. Please like Sports Doctor Radio on Facebook and follow @SportsDocRadio on Twitter. “My specialty in sports medicine is orthotic therapy, combined with

The Sports Doctor Radio Show’s large audience is comprised of people in all fields of sports medicine. They range from Physical therapists to PhD’s! The show features, “all things sports medicine, fitness & wellness,” and is live weekly. Dr. Bob’s guests are a who’s who of experts that include local, National and International figures from all involved areas and topics.


The Sports Doctor Radio Show

Dr. Bob discusses his press participation with the National Publicity Summit and Adam Weil, CEO of Global School-wear, school uniforms by Tommy Hilfiger joins us.

The Sports Doctor Radio Show

Dr. Lisa Schoene, Olympics, dance and Podiatric sports medicine physician returns along with Hilary Loftus, Concussed Student-Athlete Program Director and Founder of HBOT Consulting Services.

The Sports Doctor Radio Show

Frances Rahaim, PhD. and host of the podcast ‘Financial Fitness with The Money Doctor’, Financial Coach, Author and Jazz Vocalist returns along with Linda Hollander, CEO of Sponsor Concierge.

The Sports Doctor Radio Show

Chance Rodriquez, CEO of Populate, Electronic Medical Records Time and Burnout reducing systems for doctors returns along with John T. Larson, Partner with COhealth and Caregiver specialist.

The Sports Doctor Radio Show

Paul Callaway PhD, Personal Development and Sports Psychology Coach and Golf Physical Therapist returns with Mike McAleese, Owner of School of Holistic Massage and Reflexology, Movement Coach and Therapist.

The Sports Doctor Radio Show

Bill Crawford, Owner, Operator of Basic Training MedX in Scottsdale and National Fitness HOF lifetime achievement recipient returns with Lindsay Barnett, Executive Coach, Sr People Leader and Baseball Mom.