The Good-Grief Conversation

The Good Grief Conversation is brought to you by a mother and author who experienced the worst grief a mother can. Janet lost her son Murray aged 22-years old, July 14th 2019. She knew her journey back to happiness would be a challenging one but she had no idea what would unfold.
In this uplifting, often emotional and honest conversation, Janet takes you on an inspiring journey, with authors, healers, psychologists, scientists and more.
This is a place for you to grow through your loss and come out a stronger, wiser and happy person.
For ‘Podcast Extras’ and resources from the guests, go to
You can also connect with Janet on Facebook at
The Good-Grief Conversation

35. You wouldn’t think losing your daughter could inspire you. That is what happened to Suzanne Falter, author of Surrender to Joy, when her daughter Teal lost her life
The Good-Grief Conversation

34. 2020 has been a year of great losses. For you it may be loss of a loved one, relationship or a job. Here is a round up of inspiring stories and tips to grow through grief.
The Good-Grief Conversation

33. Rachel Kelly, happiness author, journalist and mental health ambassador for SANE, joins the conversation about sadness, grief and making the most of the festivities regardless
The Good-Grief Conversation

32. There seems to be even more emotional challenges for Christmas 2020. Join the conversation with Psychotherapist, Silva Neves
The Good-Grief Conversation

31. The first Christmas after the loss of a loved one is often painful. Julie Foster, widow and life-coach, shares memories of her first Christmas after the loss of her husband
The Good-Grief Conversation

30. How to stomach food and grief at Christmas, with author and nutritionist Jenny Tshchiesche. Emotions get knotted into the stomach. Discover how to find balance at Christmas