Premium subscribtion
Premium subscription for Private Individuals: £24 per year
The Individual membership allows access to the full database of all conditions, the solutions and forums. Individuals are encouraged to make comments on their experiences with any of the solutions they try. To subscribe to Wiki Health, please proceed to the bottom of the page to register & subscribe, or click here now. You can activate a FREE 1-day trial period but you have to register to gain access to this feature, click here now.
Premium subscription for Students: £12 per year
The student membership allows access to the full database of all conditions, the solutions and forums. Students are encouraged to make comments on their experiences with any of the solutions they try. Annual fee is discounted to assist students affording access. To subscribe to Wiki Health, please forward a copy of your valid student card to (subject: Students) and we shall respond by sending you the discounted registration and payment link. You can activate a FREE 1-day trial period but you have to register to gain access to this feature, click here now.
Premium subscription for Practitioners/Therapists: £120 per year
Practitioners/Therapists membership allows access to the full database of all conditions, the solutions and forums. Practitioners/Therapists are also included in the database of practitioners/therapists within the 7 categories of associated conditions so that our members can contact you for guidance and interventions. To subscribe to Wiki Health, please contact us at (subject: Practitioners/Therapists) and we shall respond by sending you the registration and payment link. Please provide your business contact details & credentials so that we can add them appropriately. This will then be visible to all members that wish to contact you directly for guidance and interventions. You can activate a FREE 1-day trial period but you have to register to gain access to this feature, click here now.
Premium subscription for supplier members: Entrepreneurs – Innovators: Cost On Request
Supplier membership allows access to the full database of all conditions, the solutions and forums. Suppliers are also included in the database of products/suppliers that our members can contact directly for purchase of equipment, products or technologies. Cost of membership varies due to size of company and product numbers being provided. Contact us at for a quote for your company. You can activate a FREE 1-day trial period but you have to register to gain access to this feature, click here now.
Premium subscription for supplier members: Business & Corporate Members: Cost On Request
Supplier membership allows access to the full database of all conditions, the solutions and forums. Suppliers are also included in the database of products/suppliers that our members can contact for purchase of equipment, products or technologies. Cost of membership varies due to size of company and product numbers being provided. Contact us at for a quote for your company. You can activate a FREE 1-day trial period but you have to register to gain access to this feature, click here now.
Looking forward to watching this grow and evolve to serve you better,
Your team at Wiki Health
P.S. Remember, YOUR input will help to make each topic more valuable. So take action now …
2017-08-09 17:22:08
2017-07-22 12:31:30